If you have never tried a hot oil treatment, try it at least once. It is an easy process that can be done at home safely. For best results, it is recommended to do this treatment before you wash your hair. Hot oil treatments before a shampoo can become your secret weapon in preventing dandruff and dry scalp. It can also smooth the cuticle, soften dry rough hair, and help to … [Read more...]
Police use of confidential informants creates distrust in the Black community
As we are seeing a record number of people engaged in discussions centered on criminal justice reform, it is imperative that the Black community establish guidelines for police cooperation. Police across the world have been able to corrupt poor and vulnerable citizens (i.e., mentally ill) to turn on their fellow brother or sister, causing a lack of trust throughout the … [Read more...]
Trailblazers like Bobby Bell integrated college football
It’s commonplace today seeing young Black men sign up to play big-time college football, such as during last week’s National Football Signing Day. But it wasn’t that long ago when Blacks were Jim Crowed out of college football. “You asked me has the game changed? Yes, it changed a lot,” responded Bobby Bell to our question. We spoke on New Years’ Day after the Gophers played … [Read more...]
For measles, prevention is paramount
Measles is viral infection of childhood. Another medical name for measles is rubeola. At one time, measles was quite common and led to thousands of childhood deaths per year in the U.S. As a result of successful vaccination programs, measles is quite rare in the United States, usually averaging less than 100 cases per year. Fortunately, the number of worldwide cases of … [Read more...]
Best values for sports fans
Do fans get their full value when they attend live sporting events? Do they go home happy afterwards or suffer buyers’ remorse? Team Marketing Report (TMR) last month released the NFL “Home Field Disadvantage” report. They used a formula to “create a cost-per-win average” by multiplying a team’s average ticket price by the number of regular-season home games, then dividing it … [Read more...]