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Barber carries on family haircare tradition
Legacy Families Series He’d like to see some young barbers with older barbers’ dedication, respect For more than two generations and across both Twin Cities, a father-and-son team have provided haircare services to Minnesotans. The MSR sat down with Eddie Withers, Jr. to discuss how this journey began, how his business is going currently, and what wisdom he has to offer to … [Read more...]
‘Black Male Frames,’ chronicles Hollywood’s narrow vision
“Black Male Frames charts the development and shifting popularity of two stereotypes of black male masculinity in popular American film: The shaman and the scoundrel… [The book] identifies the origins of these roles in an America where Black men were forced either to defer or to defy their White masters. These figures recur in the stories America tells about its Black men, … [Read more...]
Telling a simple story well
Dwight Hobbes talks about his two new books MSR “contributing writer” Dwight Hobbes has contributed to just about every category of story the newspaper runs: news, features, reviews, profiles and opinion. Over a year ago he added a new category to his output, an ongoing fiction series in weekly installments. That story has now taken form as a novel, Black & Single Blues, to … [Read more...]
U.S. sets up disenchanted citizens
The CNN newscasts and others blast headlines like, “ISIS recruits threaten to carry out assassination of Obama.” And the headlines probably got most folks attention and scared most of them. ISIS members/recruits threatening to kill the president sounds serious. But upon further review this appears to be the case of the government setting up some poor people who have espoused … [Read more...]