Remembering Dennis Green
“The Adventures of Flashman” is a photographic exhibition with written commentary selected from the accumulated works of one of St. Paul Rondo’s adopted sons, Gayle “Flashman” Anderson. Spanning the years 1977 to the present with an emphasis on life at the close of the last century, it chronicles events, people and life through photos and stories.
Gayle Anderson migrated to the Rondo neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota in 1965 after being raised and educated in southeast Kansas. After several years of corporate life, he worked for the City of St. Paul Parks and Recreation Department before following his true passion for photography and writing in 1977.
For the nearly 40 years since, he has been engaged in a lifelong pursuit of interesting images and telling the stories associated with them. During the coming months, as part of a grant from the organization “Roots of Rondo,” excerpts from his project and exhibit will appear in the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder (MSR).
In this photo, the late Denny Green, head coach of the Minnesota Vikings football team from 1992-2001, paused to chat with Coach Faith Johnson Patterson, her husband John, and some of her Minneapolis North Girls Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) champions at a 1990s Minneapolis Urban League Banquet.
Green, a weekly columnist for the MSR during his coaching tenure, passed away last July. A MSHSL Hall of Fame coach, Johnson Patterson won a total of eight state championships at North and DeLaSalle and is now beginning her first season at Eden Prairie.